‘You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden’ Matthew 5:14


We Believe that we are called to let our light shine so that we can reach others with the life giving message of Jesus

Our Mission


Soon after a person becomes a follower of Christ, the Bible encourages them to start identifying with the community of faith in public worship. Public worship is the combined expression of our love to God-for who He is, for what He said, and for what He is doing in our lives. Each worship service consists of music, prayer, media and teaching. Worshipping God in community is the starting point for growing as a believer in Jesus Christ. The worship service will also help to keep you informed on what is going on at Summit City Church.

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Growing in faith by learning and living God’s word is what the bible calls ‘discipleship.’ Discipleship is an important step in a person’s spiritual journey. Discipleship is the personal activity of studying the teachings of Jesus, applying them to life and becoming more like Him through a growing relationship with God. Discipleship is so necessary for spiritual growth that Summit City Church provides many discipleship opportunities to help you grow. We create a place where you can ask questions, grow in understanding, and apply Biblical truth to your life. We also provide a place to develop meaningful relationships, as well as help you deal with the challenges of every day life.

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God has designed you for service. Each and every one of us were created with a unique mix of spiritual gifts, passions, abilities, temperament, and experiences that complement where God wants us to serve. We need to identify and develop our God-given gifts and use them in service to God and others. That is why we provide classes to help you identify your spiritual gifts and talents.